School & College Communication Workshops
Derrada Drama offers a wide variety of workshops to schools, colleges and companies. We develop a series of workshops to suit the school or client’s specific needs and expectations. Please call Angela on 086 8114338 for further information.
Here are a sample of workshops on offer:
Drama Workshops:
The Drama workshops cater for all ages and classes and can be tailored to suit the school and client’s specific requirements. These practical drama workshops are very popular in schools because not only are they fun and creative but they really develop the students’ self-confidence and self-esteem. The emphasis is getting everyone engaged on their feet and fully immersed into the theatre games. Using creative drama techniques we empower students to be more confident and self-assertive in their thinking. Drama workshops involve relaxation and breathing techniques, developing theatre games, enhancing vocal skills, character development, role-playing, performing improvisation, creative drama and team building work games.
Effective Communication Skills:
The focus of the Effective Communication workshop is on improving vocal techniques, public speaking, debating, developing presentation skills, engaging with the audience, presenting a sales pitch, enhancing vocal delivery and projection and building team work skills. This course can be tailored around the school or clients’ needs. A written critique can be delivered for each student’s presentation or public speaking work.

Presentation & Interview Skills:
The main skills in the Presentation & Interview course are developing vocal delivery and projection, improving relaxation skills, maintaining eye contact, engaging with the audience, perfecting presentation skills and improving interview techniques. A written critique can be delivered for each student’s presentation or public speaking work.
A one-to-one mock interview is filmed between the teacher and client, and the teacher will download and review it with the client afterwards as part of the learning process.
Self-esteem & Friendship workshops:
Students love the Self-esteem and Friendship workshop as it involves learning more about themselves and their friends. Derrada Drama recommends this workshop as a precursor to the anti-bullying workshop, as it builds up the student’s self-esteem, positivity and self-confidence. If a student has healthy self-esteem, they rarely feel threatened by bullies. Feedback can be offered to the school teacher on the results of this personal workshop.
Anti- bullying Workshops:
The Anti-bullying workshop is a very practical workshop, which demonstrates the different elements of bullying – verbal, physical, exclusion, extortion and cyber bullying. The course allows the students to role-play different bullying situations and demonstrate the emotions involved. We freeze frame all the different scenarios and work out collectively solutions to resolve the issues, encompassing the school’s anti-bullying policy into all our works. Through the medium of drama and role-play, the students become immersed in the different scenarios and are more open to discussions and solutions, if any problems arise.
Resilience & Wellness Workshop – incorporating cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT):
This workshop provides a set of wellness toolkits to equip students to build up resilient thinking and support a more positive outlook in emotions and behaviour. It provides relaxation and calming techniques and build a wellness plan to achieve life goals. This workshop can help alleviate worries and anxiety, avoidance practice, problems with relationships and withdrawal from family and friends.